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- Additional explanation of Lessons of the day.
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- English Grammar And How To Use It (Intermediate-Advanced)
- The Handbook of How to Say It with audio
- The Handbook of Conversational Skills with audio
- The Handbook of Expressing Feelings with audio
- The Handbook of Business English with audio
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- 2 Toefl Practice Tests
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Rp50.000 per bulan
Rp50,000 per month
Rp100.000 per tahun
Rp100,000 per year
Anda telah memilih paket tahunan
You have chosen a yearly package
- Additional explanation of Lessons of the day.
- Full access to more than 2,166 English lessons and get two new lessons every day.
- Full access to all paid word lists.
- Full access to all e-books
- English Grammar And How To Use It (Elementary-Intermediate)
- English Grammar And How To Use It (Intermediate-Advanced)
- The Handbook of How to Say It with audio
- The Handbook of Conversational Skills with audio
- The Handbook of Expressing Feelings with audio
- The Handbook of Business English with audio
- Full access to Sentence Banks (English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English)
- Full access to Indonesian-English dictionary
- 2 Toefl Practice Tests